Global News

February 28, 2021 USA
VIRTUAL MAHA SHIVARATRI Maha Shivaratri, the Great Night of Lord Shiva with Amma’s North American Disciples Thursday, March 11 5:00 pm PST / 8:00 pm EST - 12:00 am PST / 3:00 am EST "Shivaratri is a celebration of sacrifice, dispassion and renunciation. Shivaratri teaches us to... more ›
January 25, 2021 Global
Love is the Answer Replay of the Retreat Reflecting on Divine Love with Amma’s Senior-Most Disciple Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri (Retreat was held on Saturday & Sunday, February 13 & 14) If you were unable to participate in this fulfilling, heart-opening retreat, It’s not... more ›
December 17, 2020 USA
“Without succumbing to despair, we should light up our hearts with the lamp of hope.” - Amma New Year’s Day Retreat: A New Beginning Led by Amma’s Disciples Friday, January 1, 2021 6:30 am - 6:00 pm PST / 9:30 am - 9:00 pm EST Amma says that to begin the New Year ​​"we should take stock... more ›
November 15, 2020 USA
“The foundation of happiness is gratitude.” ~Amma We thank all of you for your participation and support. The Thanksgiving Retreat was a big success. We hope to be able to serve you with more retreats going forward.                         -----------------  THANK YOU... more ›
October 28, 2020 USA
  The past ten days have been festive with online celebration of the Divine in the form of Mother. Thousands of admirers participated in this prayer and celebration across the Nation. Swami Dayamritananda Puri received the following letter recently from an admirer, Amina Fuller.   Respected Swami,... more ›
September 28, 2020 Kerala, India
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Amma’s 67th birthday was observed today exclusively as a global prayer for world peace. Ashram residents as well as devotees from around the world dedicated the day to meditation, chanting of prayers and worship. Amma also delivered her annual birthday message.... more ›
September 23, 2020 USA
Amma's Birthday : One World, One Prayer A Virtual Day of Sadhana led by Swami Dayamritananda Puri Sunday, September 27 9:00 am - 7:00 pm PDT / 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm EDT YouTube Link: more ›
June 18, 2020 India
NEWS RELEASE Online Meditation, Yoga & Satsang LIVE from Amritapuri  - June 18, 2020 - Amrita Silent Retreats is thrilled to announce the launch of our New Online Program of Meditation, Yoga and Satsang (Spiritual Talks) LIVE from Amritapuri, India.  As a response to the current pandemic... more ›
May 11, 2020 India
“We understood the scarcity of 3ply and n95 masks in the country, when the Prime minister told the people to use homemade masks. Following our chancellor Amma’s path of wisdom, we were keen to have this reusable mask as cheaper as possible so that, the poor and needy can benefit from it”- says Raj... more ›
April 21, 2020 Kerala, India
At this time of uncertainty and tension, Amma's disciples are compassionately responding by imparting their spiritual wisdom and love to all of us who are looking at the future with a lot of questions and concerns. Please visit this link to watch and hear... more ›
