Farming Update - Oct 5

Farm team loading boxes of apples into trailer

Over 3000 lbs of apples harvested last Saturday!

Last Saturday, Amma Canada hosted 20 guests from the Hindu Swayamsevak Sangha (HSS). HSS has been helping Amma Canada with the apple harvest for many years. Farm team members welcomed our guests upon arrival. Both guests and farm sevaks proceeded to the orchard.  After several hours of picking and about 3000 lbs of apples later, both groups joined in the Satsang Hall sharing a few bhajans and prayers. The day ended with a sumptuous meal prepared by our veggie garden team. Our guests happily left with a bag of apples each. The farm team stayed back to sort the apples, and pack boxes of apples for food banks.

While a great many apples were harvested last Saturday with the help of HSS, many more apples remain on the trees. More hands are needed this Saturday, October 5 to assist with apple picking, sorting and packing the remaining apples. Volunteers are also needed to deliver apples to food banks. Seva begins at 11:00 AM and continues until 4:00 PM. We are requesting that everyone bring their own lunch as we will not have access to the kitchen this Saturday. Fresh apples and apple juice will be available for sale before and after the Navaratri Satsang this Saturday with Ramanandamrita Swamiji. If you have any questions, please email

Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Ladder in Amma Canada orchard