Farming Seva & Farm Sale - Oct 19 & 20

Volunteer bottling honey from Amma Canada hives

Apples, pears, apple juice and honey for sale this Sunday

Thanks to a great team of volunteers and gorgeous weather on Thanksgiving Monday, several hundred pounds of apples and pears were harvested last weekend! Volunteers also bottled the honey harvested from Amma Canada's three beehives. It truly is liquid gold! The Wealthy apples are almost all picked, as are the Liberty. There are still some Bosc pears remaining, and the bulk of the late fall apples (Enterprise & Freedom), are just about ripe. The fruit harvesting, sorting and packing will continue this Saturday, October 19 from 12:00 - 4:00 PM. Please bring your own lunch, as the Farm Team will not have access to the kitchen. If you are able to pick up apples on Saturday or Sunday to deliver to food banks this week, please let Brian know.

On Sunday, October 20, there will be a Farm Sale after Amma's Birthday Celebration. The Farm Team will be selling apples and pears from the orchard for $2/lb, fresh pressed apple juice for $6/L, and honey for $12 for a 330 g jar. All proceeds from Farm sales support Amma Canada and its charitable activities. Thanks in advance for your support! If you have any questions, please contact Brian or email

Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Amma Canada 2024 honey