April 19, 2016 Southern California
Ayurvedic cooking is based on knowledge of herbs, spices and vegetables to create healthy, appetizing, and flavorful dishes. Limited attendance on site and web streaming for those unable to attend the class in person.   Cooking teacher: Shama Gandhi Guest Speaker: Dr. Vaidya R.K. Mishra, Ayurvedic... more ›
April 10, 2016 Southern California
Thank you to the Los Angeles Satsang for supporting Mother’s Kitchen!  We are doing our best to provide excellent food to our less fortunate neighbors 3-4 times per week at 10 different assistance programs.  Amma asks us to make sure nothing goes to waste and that our burritos and meals reach the... more ›
April 10, 2016 Southern California
Do you know that there are several opportunities every month to learn Amma's IAM Technique or to strengthen your existing daily IAM practice? IAM is a powerful yet simple technique that can be learned by anyone. All courses are free!... more ›
April 10, 2016 Southern California
When Amma visited the MA Center LA on June 15th, 2011, before the renovation, she said (excerpts):   "Looking at my children gathered here, Amma feels like many tiny light bulbs have come together. One may not be able to read in the light of one zero-watt bulb, but when several such bulbs come... more ›
February 23, 2016 southwest
  Jyotish Vedic Astrology 2016 Consultations: March 12, 14  & 15  at MA CENTER LA, Redondo Beach, CA To book an appointment go to: MA Center Jyotish... more ›
February 13, 2016 southwest
KARTHIKA PUJA W/Br. DAYAMRITA CHAITANYA AT MA CENTER LA http://amma.org/groups/north-america/ma-center-la/events/karthika-puja-m...
February 13, 2016 southwest
JOIN US FOR A SPECIAL VALENTINES DAY WITH Br. DAYAMRITA CHAITANYA. http://amma.org/groups/north-america/ma-center-la/events/satsang-br-daya...
February 6, 2016 southwest
OM AMRITESHWARYAI NAMAH   Dear Southern California Brothers and Sisters in Amma,   We are so overjoyed that Amma will be gracing our region with her divine presence this June.    Amma has been coming to So Cal for more than 20 years to embrace all who come to see her. Many things... more ›
January 2, 2016 Southwest
NEW FOR 2016 Our Facebook page is now: www.facebook.com/macenterla Our Twitter is now: www.twitter.com/macenterla Our Instagram is: macenterla ... more ›
December 12, 2015 Southern California
MA Center LA Present: Wah - The Healing Concert on January 23rd, 2016!  Click here for info: http://amma.org/groups/north-america/ma-center-la/events/wah-ma-center-la
