December 26, 2016 Southern California
Chanting, walk to the beach with Swamiji, chai, Manasa Puja & Satsang, Bhajans, and a delicious vegetarian dinner! Click here for details: more ›
August 18, 2016 Southern California
Embracing Our Center “She deferred the spotlight to her children, lauding their selfless and tireless efforts to loving and serving the poor and needy” - From Immortal Bliss   We are excited to welcome readers to a new recurring section in our MA Center LA newsletter, titled “Embracing... more ›
August 18, 2016 Southern California
Three Special Birthday Invitations It's celebration time! Please join us for some very special events that are filled with a spiritual and festive atmosphere in the months of August and September at the MA Center LA.     KRISHNA JAYANTHI - SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 2016 “At the mere thought of Lord... more ›
AYUDH LA!   AYUDH is the youth sector of Embracing the World focused on empowering youth and raising awareness of global issues. It is focused on creating trust and peace by socially engaging youth while maintaining awareness of core values. AYUDH is separated into three main categories; Serve,... more ›
"The energy of Pure Love is within you. It only needs to Awaken."  - Amma
  As you probably know, we are a 100% volunteer supported organization. 1 person saying "Yes" to service for the Tour makes a world of difference, and here's why:
  The Tour is M-A-S-S-I-V-E.... more ›
May 23, 2016 Southern California
"If your attitude is positive and accepting, you live with God even while busy in the world." - Amma
  Imagine what it takes to ensure the thousands of attendees at Amma's program are fed. Amma's Tour Kitchen is by far the largest department of the Tour. Hundreds of... more ›
May 20, 2016 Southwest
JOIN THE HOST GREETER TEAM "The More Kindness We Give the More It Increases" - Amma
  The 1st "WELCOME!" Isn't it so nice to feel welcome when you arrive somewhere-whether it's for the 1st time or for the 20th?    The Host Greeter volunteers... more ›
May 12, 2016 Southern California
IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT LA HOTEL RESERVATIONS Our apologies to anyone who has been calling in to the Hilton reservation line on (310) 410-6055 and has not received a return phone call about your room booking.   There was a glitch in the phone system, so please make your room reservation by calling... more ›
May 11, 2016 southwest
Aum Namah Sivaya!   Mark your calendars and make your arrangements to be with Amma from June 14 – 16 at the Hilton Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) for 3 full days and nights of Free Programs. ... more ›
