Mother's Pantry

The MA Center of New England collects healthy, nonperishable food and other essential items for families in need living in Worcester, MA and Manchester, CT.
Please bring your contributions to the ashram and we will make sure that they are delivered.
Examples of items to donate: canned vegetables, hearty soups, baked beans, ketchup, relish, peanut butter, jelly, fruit juice, apple sauce, paper towels, toilet paper, dish soap, laundry detergent, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc.
We are providing donations of food to the Worcester County Food Bank, 474 Boston Post Road, Shrewsbury, MA. This food drive supports local food pantries in Worcester County, including West Boylston.
The Connecticut food pantry is serving MACC (Manchester Area Conference of Churches) Charities Food Pantry on Main Street in Manchester. MACC feeds about 1200 families each month serving families from Bolton, Vernon, and Manchester CT.
When you are shopping and walk by a good sale item, please consider those who are struggling to make ends meet and spend an extra few dollars to help them out. Our donations are very much appreciated.
For more information, please contact Jill at or Lynne at