AYUDH: Youth in Action

AYUDH Bay Area

The American branch of AYUDH, Amma’s international group for youth ages 15 – 30, is committed to generating a future of hope, peace, and social engagement while maintaining an awareness of spiritual principles.

Since its inception in December of 2007, the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of AYUDH has been extremely active, with members enthusiastically creating, organizing, and participating in a variety of service projects and activities.

Here in the Bay Area, AYUDH gives back to society and nature in a variety of ways. In the last few years AYUDH has joined with the California National Parks Service to restore the beaches of Half Moon Bay to their natural habitat.

Growin’ One Seed at a Time is AYUDH’s international green initiative, which encourages youth to grow their own vegetables. M.A. Center maintains an organic community garden and youth are encouraged to come and support the monthly garden meetings.

Every six weeks AYUDH sponsors and runs the Saturday night snack shop that benefits Amma’s Embracing the World activities. Members volunteer at Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco and other local soup kitchens and nursing homes. AYUDH facilitates sports challenges for community youth, and is involved in M.A. Center activities and service projects on an ongoing basis. The Bay Area chapter of AYUDH is always looking for newcomers who are interested in giving back and having fun while doing it. Contact: AYUDH