Receiving an Embrace

Meeting Amma

It's not uncommon for people to wonder what it's like to be hugged by Amma, or what the process is like. Volunteers wearing a heart-shaped badge that says “May I Help” are available in the hall to assist you throughout this process.
When your token number is displayed, head to the darshan line entrance, located on either side of the back-end of the hall. It doesn't matter which side you choose.

  • Find a place to store your shoes and head to one of the darshan lines at the back of the hall. If you are unable to remove your shoes, a volunteer can provide you with disposable shoe covers.
  • Store your personal belongings in a safe place, since they are not allowed onstage, but remember to keep your token with you!
  • Your cell phone can be left with the volunteers at the Cell Phone Courtesy Table near the darshan line entrance, and you will receive a claim tag to retrieve your phone after your darshan.
  • If you wish to take an offering for Amma, the Flower Table located close to the darshan line has many options to choose from. Please don’t offer Amma flowers or food brought from outside.
  • If you brought an item to be blessed, such as a photograph, document or a small object, bring that with you as well.
  • After you receive your embrace, you will have an opportunity to sit near Amma for a short time.