Retreats with Amma

About Retreats

In a number of cities across the country, there is the opportunity to spend time with Amma in a retreat setting.

Retreat days can help to intensify our spiritual practices, allowing us to go deeper within ourselves without the distractions of our everyday lives. During a retreat, regardless of the size, the atmosphere always feels more intimate and relaxed.

Retreat check in begins at 5pm on the first afternoon and continues throughout the evening program. The second and third mornings begin at 7:30am with a 30 minute guided meditation led by one of Amma’s senior disciples. Following the meditation and breakfast, Swami Amritaswarupananda gives a class. On the second evening, Amma leads a meditation which is followed by a special Question and Answer session.

Since selfless service, or seva, is an integral part of Amma’s teaching, retreats have been structured to include this valuable practice. All participants who are able will be assigned two hours of seva.

The IAM - Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique® is usually offered during the retreat at no extra charge. A refresher class will also be offered for those who have already completed the course.

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