Charitable Programs

"In today’s world, people experience two types of poverty: the poverty caused by lack of food, clothing and shelter, and the poverty caused by lack of love and compassion. Of these two, the second type needs to be considered first because if we have love and compassion in our hearts, then we will wholeheartedly serve those who suffer from lack of food, clothing and shelter." ~ Amma
2023 Charitable Activities
Inspired by Amma’s selfless example of giving and serving those in need, Toronto Satsang volunteers participated in many year-round charitable activities in 2023. Here are a few highlights:
Chilli Serving at Georgetown & downtown Toronto
Volunteers resumed serving homemade vegetarian chilli at Georgetown Bread Basket on three separate dates in 2023, after this initiative being on hold since 2020, due to the pandemic. On Friday evenings, participants gathered in the Amma Canada Centre kitchen to chop veggies and prepare the chilli. After cooking overnight, six crock pots of chilli were ready to be transported to Georgetown Bread Basket the next morning, and served to over 30 families and individuals in need. In May, Toronto Satsang volunteers also gathered at the St Felix Centre on Augusta Avenue in downtown Toronto, to assist the chef in chopping, preparing, and plating a vegetarian chilli lunch for over 150 individuals.
Cookie Baking
Volunteers also baked over 1500 cookies and muffins, spread over four dates (Valentines Day, Easter, Halloween and Christmas), and delivered them to St Felix Centre's Parkdale Shelter to show care and support for those living on the streets of downtown Toronto.
Food Rescue Project
Amma Canada's Food Rescue Project continued every Saturday in 2023, with over 10,000 lbs of excess fresh bread, frozen meats, and assorted past-dated, non-perishable staples collected from Georgetown Bread Basket and distributed by volunteers to several food security programs across the Greater Toronto Area, including Brampton Knights' Table, Feed Scarborough, Beeton Cupboard, Fort York Food Bank, Agincourt Food Bank.
Homeless Care Packages for Amma's 70th Birthday
To honour Amma’s 70th Birthday, Toronto Satsang participants collected funds, and purchased 70 care packages for Dixon Hall 24h respite centre clients. Care packages included warm winter socks, gloves, a toque, a scarf, a t-shirt, and a denim shirt, plus a fig bar and an apple from the Amma Canada orchard, packed in a reusable cinch bag.
Holiday Initiatives
As 2023 drew to a close, Toronto Satsang volunteers participated in many Amma Canada holiday initiatives, bringing some holiday cheer to the local community. Amma Canada has partnered for the last nine years with a local charity, Halton's Links2Care to sponsor families in need over the holidays. This year, Amma Canada sponsored a family of six, purchasing specific clothing items for each of the family members off of their 'wish lists', plus extra treat items to brighten their Christmas. Volunteers also purchased requested items for eight vulnerable seniors at Bennett Centre Long Term Care in Georgetown. Gifts were beautifully wrapped and delivered together with handcrafted festive greeting cards made by the Toronto Amrita Bala Kendra and Satsang youth, for all 66 Bennett Centre residents!
If you would like to participate in these Charitable activities in 2024, please contact Volunteers are always welcome!