
When karma (action) is performed with awareness and compassion as its driving force, it accelerates one’s spiritual journey.
Even if we have everything, if there is no mental peace, we cannot lead a happy life.
Spirituality is the science that teaches us how to live happily in the world.
The conservation of nature will be possible only when people fully recognize that they are a part of nature.
A mind clouded by attachment cannot distinguish between right and wrong.
Know that Mother is always with you.  Have faith.  My children, there is no need to be afraid.  But effort and perseverance are necessary on your part.  If you call Mother with innocence and faith, She is always ready to help you.  If you fall, rise up again.  Turn the fall into an ascent.
Through spiritual thoughts, we gain power and cultivate strong minds. God represents all good qualities, such as self-sacrifice, love and compassion.
A musk deer searches for the source of the fragrance of musk, but it won't find it because the fragrance comes from within itself. Bliss is not to be found outside of us; it exists within us.
